恭賀 JQT京華石英科技 榮獲UKAS ISO-9001國際品質管理認證

此認證再次證明 JQT京華石英科技於「CNC可加工之零組件研發、製造及代工」領域之專業符合國際標準,品質深受肯定。


英國國家認證委員會(United Kingdom Accreditation Service)對於各機構作業品質進行管制及驗證。其所頒發之證書在國際上獲得認可,已成為企業形象和品質管理的保障,據此UKAS的權威性獲得確立。

Congrats! Jinghwa Quartz Technology has passed ISO-9001

Jinghwa Quartz Technology has been granted the certificate of ISO-9001 in the area of The Design, Manufacture and OEM of CNC Parts, which proves again that our manufacturing processes have met the requirements of international standards.

ISO-9001 Certificate